作者:祝征圣,曲勇(青岛城投双元水务有限公司,山东 青岛 266071)
李凤(青岛海泊河污水处理厂,山东 青岛 266071)
Abstract: In the sewage treatment plant, all kinds of sewage treatment instruments are distributed widely. However, in the process of instrument signal transmission, due to the site environment and other restrictions, the use of communication cable as a communication medium for transmission is limited by the site conditions, with wiring difficulties, long transmission distance, large investment and high cost. Wireless digital communication technology, especially in short distance transmission technology and hardware products are now relatively mature. In this paper, the non-intelligent instrument signal (4-20 ma) and the intelligent instrument signal (ModbusRTU protocol) by radio technology can be transmitted to PLC, and the instrument data can eventually be displayed in industrial monitoring (FactoryTalkSE).
Key words: Wireless electronic technology; 4~20 mA; RS485; PLC;FactoryTalkSE